Kudelski Security Resource Center
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55 Results

Cyber Board Communication & Metrics
Advice to improve CISO communication with boards and instill confidence in the security program.

The Hensel Phelps Security Journey
Dustin Morris, Information Security Manager, Hensel Phelps, discusses how they partnered with Kudelski Security to secure their client and employee data.

Case Studies
Accelerating and Simplifying Compliance
Compliance-as-a-Service solution helps security partner of global insurance firm reduce burden and maintain regulatory compliance.

Case Studies
A Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity
24/7 Managed Detection and Response helps leading construction firm Hensel Phelps successfully compete for government contracts.

ModernCISO Guide
Managed Detection & Response
The MDR market has become crowded, noisy, and competitive. As a security leader, how do you differentiate between MDR providers whose claims sound similar, but who actually deliver widely varying levels of service and detection capability?

ModernCISO Guide
ModernCISO Guide to Managing & Communicating Cybersecurity Risk & Maturity
The number one priority for the modern CISO is to help their company identify and manage risk. This requires adopting a risk management framework that identifies and manages risk at the enterprise-level as well as the systems-level.

Research Reports
2021 Bloor Managed Detection & Response Market Update
The term MDR may be relatively new, but there are many signs that it is here to stay. It provides the antidote to security risks that many organisations need right now and will for some time to come.