Kudelski Security Resource Center
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55 Results

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Kudelski Security Managed Detection And Response (MDR) Services
A Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study Commissioned By Kudelski Security

MDR ONE Resolute
Reach a higher state of resilience with 24/7 risk-based threat detection, investigation, and response.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) Services
Protect your Changing Environments with High-Touch, Risk-Based Threat Detection & Response Services, 24/7.

ModernCISO Webinar | Managed Detection & Response (Spanish)
Best Practices and Advices for Successfully Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in 2024.

ModernCISO Guide
7 Key Things a Good RFP Should Cover When Engaging an MDR Provider
We’ve identified seven key considerations to keep in mind when evaluating an MDR provider.

ModernCISO Webinar | Explore NIS2 & OT Security
In this webinar with our partner Claroty we will discuss essence and impact of the NIS2 directive for essential and important entities.

Quick Reference Guide
An Introduction to Next-Generation MDR
Actionable Insights Into Extended Detection and Response: Your XDR Guide

ModernCISO Webinar – Frontline Stories | Cyber War Gaming (French)
Cyber War Gaming is a unique and effective method for assessing and enhancing preparedness for a cyber attack by simulating a customized scenario. To gain a better understanding of the objectives, learn about the key steps, and understand the major challenges involved in this exercise, benefit from the experience of Rémi Lecoupé-Grainville, DSI at Havas.