For many years, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions were considered to be the foundation of an effective cybersecurity strategy.

On one level, this makes total sense. Afterall, it’s estimated that endpoints—physical devices connected to a network—are the starting point for and 70% of successful data breaches. Protecting these elements of your network is critical and the most obvious place to begin.

However, as cybersecurity threats evolve and become more sophisticated, legacy EDR solutions alone no longer have what it takes to protect modern organizations. If you’re a larger organization requiring maximum visibility into your full infrastructure and across your entire security technology stack, it’s time to consider next-generation EDR.


XDR: Extending your endpoint security

In every organization, there will be a huge number of endpoints connected to the network. This include everything from desktop computers and mobile devices to servers and containers – and can be located anywhere within the traditional network perimeter or on the cloud. Historically, security teams have had to monitor multiple siloed platforms to detect potential threats, leading to visibility gaps as well as to alert fatigue—from dealing with a large volume of raw data, alerts and notifications from different sources.

The solution to easing this burden on internal security teams? Next-generation EDR that uses Extended Detection and Response (XDR).

XDR ingests all of the data produced by siloed EDR solutions, identity providers and network infrastructure and brings them into one, centralized platform, providing a single source of truth for an organization’s entire infrastructure.

Not only does this make it easier for security teams to monitor and manage security threats, but XDR also leverages machine learning and AI to parse, correlate and normalize your data. This allows the next-generation EDR solutions to automate some previously manual and time-consuming tasks, allowing security teams to focus on more business-critical work, reduce alert fatigue, and deal with the threats that matter.

XDR goes further than just endpoint security. The reason your visibility and monitoring is comprehensive, is because it works with all your security technology integrations at every layer, and ingests data from multiple sources, such as:

  • Servers
  • Mobile, laptop and desktop devices
  • Email systems
  • Identity providers
  • Cloud and software applications
  • Traffic logs
  • Vulnerability intelligence
  • Operational technology


MDR: Maximizing the value of XDR

Next-generation EDR should streamline the security of your tech stack, making it easier for internal teams to monitor their network for threats. But relying solely on internal resources still presents challenges.

This is where organizations turn to Managed Detection and Response (MDR).

Unlike EDR and XDR, MDR cybersecurity is a service, not a software. Next-generation MDR providers focus on helping organizations get the most out of their EDR/XDR solutions.

This Security-as-a-Service offering is provided by third parties, such as Kudelski Security, that have specialized expertise in cybersecurity. This takes the burden of managing threat detection, investigation, and response away from internal teams so those resources can be spent elsewhere. But the benefits of MDR, working alongside XDR, don’t stop there.

Stay ahead of the attackers

The threat landscape never stands still, and your cybersecurity strategy must move with it. Fortunately, MDR cybersecurity providers, like our experts at Kudelski Security, work tirelessly to ensure that they have their finger on the pulse – ready for every cyber development. This means we’re best placed to advise you on how to adapt your cybersecurity strategy to meet the latest threats and attack vectors.

Easier to scale

Internal resources are difficult to quickly scale up and down as required, meaning there could be periods where your cybersecurity is under or over-resourced. By outsourcing your cybersecurity strategy and tech stack to an MDR vendor, costs become predictable and are decoupled from data volume or response engagements.

Regulatory compliance

Data privacy has emerged as a top priority for many organizations, necessitating that businesses diligently adhere to applicable regulations in order to maintain compliance.

No MDR cybersecurity vendor can ever guarantee that your security is 100% bullet proof, but next-generation EDR – paired with an expert MDR provider – ensures that every step is taken to mitigate risk. And illustrating that you have done due diligence in mitigating risk is increasingly important – especially with the evolving body of legislation in different jurisdictions that shine the spotlight on preventative and responsive threat programs.


How can we help your organization with next-generation EDR?

At Kudelski Security we offer an XDR and MDR service, built on cutting-edge technology: MDR ONE Resolute.

Powered by our proprietary FusionDetect™ platform, MDR ONE Resolute goes beyond the traditional MDR offered by our competitors to provide rapid, accurate and effective threat detection and response. For larger organizations, we work closely with security teams to ease their cybersecurity pressures. For organizations without a cybersecurity team, we provide MDR using our XDR platform to deliver a complete and comprehensive managed cybersecurity service.

If you’re looking to maximize the value of your current cybersecurity architecture and get equipped with next-generation EDR , our expert team is here to help.