Kudelski Security-Ressourcen-Center
Willkommen in unserem Ressourcen-Center. Hier finden Sie Broschüren, Datenblätter und Videos zu unseren Services und Lösungen für Cybersicherheit. Sie können die Bibliothek nach Kategorie und Thema durchsuchen.
166 Results
Advisory Services: Advanced Penetration Testing
In a world of complex IT environments, social engineering and growing volumes of electronic information, it is becoming increasingly challenging for organizations to know where their IT Security weaknesses lie.
R&D: Intellectual Property Analysis
Billions are invested each year in research and development and in filing patents on new technologies, in a quest to create competitive advantages and drive growth.
Technology Services: Solution Implementation and Migration
Expert-level technology installation and configuration services that optimize security investments and drive greater business efficiency.
Technology Services: Architecture and Design
Actionable, efficient plans for defense-in-depth security environments that align enterprise security to business priorities.
Technology Services: Technology Assessment
Comprehensive review of current defenses to identify and plug security holes and improve overall performance.
IoT Security Center of Excellence
The IoT Security Center of Excellence helps IoT technology vendors and integrators across different industries to secure their investments through an end-to-end approach that goes beyond security assessments.
Phish Proof Your People – Stop Credential Theft and Impostors
It’s easy for an attacker to steal a password, impersonate a valid user, and move undetected and uninterrupted – ultimately trying to get privileged network access. Let's stop that.
WannaCry Webcast
The number of individuals, organizations and countries affected by the current malware attack is growing at an alarming rate. After the initial infection is executed, no user intervention at all is required for the malware to spread.